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马上成为旅游达人:快速掌握旅游英语口语100句(如何成为旅游小达人) - 百萃英语网





1. Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎来到我们的酒店。

2. Do you have a reservation? 您预订了房间吗?

3. May I see your ID and credit card, please? 请出示您的身份证和信用卡。

4. What kind of room would you

like? 您需要哪种类型的房间?

5. Your room number is 302. 您的房间号是302。

6. Here is your key. 这是您的钥匙。

7. Breakfast is from 7am to 10am. 早餐时间是从早上7点到10点。

8. Please fill out this registration form. 请填写这份登记表。

9. The pool is on the fourth floor. 游泳池在四楼。

10. We provide daily housekeeping. 我们提供每日客房清洁服务。


11. Excuse me, where is the nearest subway station? 对不起,最近的地铁站在哪里?

12. How much does a taxi to the airport cost? 去机场打的要多少钱?

13. Could you call a taxi for me, please? 请您替我叫一辆出租车好吗?

14. How often do the buses run? 公共汽车多久一班?

15. Should I buy a ticket now or at the station? 我现在就可以买票还是要到车站去?

16. How many stops are there to the city center? 去市中心需要几站?

17. Is this the right bus for the museum? 这辆公交车到博物馆吗?

18. Do I need to transfer to another bus? 我需要转车吗?

19. Is there Wi-Fi on the train? 火车上有无线网吗?

20. What time is the last train to the city center? 去市中心的最后一班火车是几点?


21. It’s a really amazing view! 这真是一个惊人的景色!

22. Can you take a picture for me, please? 你可以帮我照张相吗?

23. What is the history of this place? 这个地方有什么历史背景?

24. How long does it take to get to the top of the mountain? 爬到山顶需要多久?

25. Are there any guided tours available? 有导游服务吗?

26. What are the opening hours of the museum? 博物馆开放时间是什么时候?

27. Can we rent bicycles? 我们可以租自行车吗?

28. How much does the entrance fee cost? 进入这个景点需要多少门票费?

29. When is the best time to visit this place? 什么时候是最好的参观时间?

30. Are there any restaurants nearby? 附近有什么餐馆吗?


31. May I see the menu, please? 请给我看一下菜单好吗?

32. Is there a vegetarian menu available? 有素菜选择吗?

33. How spicy is this dish? 这道菜有多辣?

34. Could you recommend a local specialty? 您能推荐一下当地的特色菜吗?

35. Can I have a glass of water, please? 请给我一杯水好吗?

36. How much does the meal cost per person? 每个人的餐费是多少?

37. Is the tip included in the bill? 账单里有包括小费吗?

38. Excuse me, could you bring me some more napkins? 对不起,能给我再拿些餐巾纸吗?

39. Can we sit by the window, please? 我们可以坐在窗边吗?

40. What time do you stop serving food? 你们什么时候停止供应餐点?


41. How much does this shirt cost? 这件衬衫多少钱?

42. Can I try this on, please? 我可以试穿吗?

43. Do you have this in a different color? 有其他颜色吗?

44. What is the material of this skirt? 这条裙子是什么材质的?

45. Can I pay by credit card? 我可以用信用卡付款吗?

46. Is there a discount if I buy two of these? 如果我买两个,有折扣吗?

47. Can I exchange this if it doesn’t fit? 如果不合适,可以换吗?

48. Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪里?

49. Do you ship internationally? 您们发国际快递吗?

50. What time do you close? 你们几点关门?


51. Can you call an ambulance, please? 请您叫一辆救护车好吗?

52. Where is the nearest hospital? 最近的医院在哪里?

53. Could you help me find my lost bag? 可以帮我找一下丢失的行李吗?

54. I lost my passport. What should I do? 我的护照丢了,该怎么办?

55. Is there a nearby police station? 附近有警察局吗?

56. My wallet was stolen. Can you help me? 我的钱包被偷了,你能帮我吗?

57. What is the emergency number here? 这儿的紧急电话号码是多少?

58. Can you recommend a good local pharmacy? 您可以推荐一下好的当地药房吗?

59. Could you give me some directions to the embassy? 你能告诉我去大使馆的路怎么走吗?

60. Is there a travel agency nearby? 附近有旅行社吗?


61. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

62. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

63. Where are you from? 你是从哪里来的?

64. Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?

65. What do you do for a living? 你是做什么工作的?

66. What places have you visited so far? 到目前为止,你去过哪些地方?

67. Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好?

68. Can you recommend any good local restaurants? 你能推荐一些好的当地餐馆吗?

69. Would you like to join us for dinner tonight? 今晚你要不要跟我们一起吃晚饭?

70. What do you think of this place? 你觉得这个地方怎么样?


71. How long are you staying here? 你在这里停留多久?

72. What places do you plan to visit? 你计划去哪些地方旅游?

73. Have you been to any famous landmarks yet? 你已经去过什么著名景点了吗?

74. How do you like the local culture? 你对当地文化感觉怎么样?

75. Is there anything special you recommend doing here? 这里有什么特别的活动可以推荐吗?

76. Do you prefer museums or outdoor activities? 你更喜欢博物馆还是户外活动?

77. What’s the best way to get around the city? 什么是在这个城市内旅游的最好方式?

78. Can you recommend any good hiking trails? 你有好的爬山线路推荐吗?

79. What souvenirs should I bring back? 有什么纪念品值得带回去?

80. What’s the weather like at this time of year? 这个季节天气怎么样?


81. My name is John. 我的名字是John。

82. I’m from Los Angeles. 我来自洛杉矶。

83. I’m a student. 我是一名学生。

84. I’m here on vacation with my family. 我和我的家人来这里度假。

85. I enjoy swimming and hiking. 我喜欢游泳和爬山。

86. I’m visiting some friends who live here. 我来看望一些住在这里的朋友。

87. I like to try different local foods when I travel. 我旅行时喜欢尝试不同的当地美食。

88. I’m interested in learning about the history and culture of this place. 我对这个地方的历史和文化很感兴趣。

89. I like to take photographs of the places I visit. 我喜欢拍我旅游地方的照片。


90. I’m here to relax and have a good time. 我来这里是为了放松和享受生活。


91. Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

92. Have a great day! 祝您今天愉快!

93. It was nice talking with you. 和你聊天真是太愉快了。

94. I hope to see you again sometime. 希望有机会再见面。

95. Enjoy the rest of your trip! 祝你旅途愉快!

96. Safe travels! 一路平安!

97. Goodbye for now. 目前先要告别了。

98. Take care and have a good day. 注意身体,祝你好运。

99. See you soon! 很快我们会再见面的!

100. Thank you for an amazing experience. 感谢您的一次难忘的旅行经历。
